Goals for the next 28 days (in terms of your health & fitness)
Before we start THIS MONDAY, fill in your answers and
send back to me via email **BY SUNDAY AT THE LATEST - If I don’t have these back to me
by Sunday, I will not be able to get back to you early in the week to give you feedback &
help you get really clear on what you need to do over the 4 weeks (and beyond) to achieve
your goals. This is THE MOST IMPORTANT PART of the Challenge, so make it a priority!
Take your time, really think about these questions and respond properly - they are designed
to help you get really clear on what you want and why it's important to you. The more detail
you can give, and the more in depth your answers are, the more I can help you.
GOALS for the next 28 days (in terms of your health & fitness):