I start to feverishly pat the bed down with one eye open trying to find where my bloody phone is to turn it off.
Finally the noise ceases – only to be met with dead silence.
It’s dark, cold and quiet and it feels like I’m the only person on the planet.
It takes a minute for me to gather my thoughts and work out what lies ahead for another busy day.
I sometimes ponder what other people are doing at this time and catch myself on the odd occasion reminiscing back to my youth when time had no real relevance or restraints.
4am usually meant 12 pots deep at the local doing some of my best work on the d-floor 🙂
Ahhh those were the days…
Before too long I jump out of bed and quickly transition into work mode.
I’m very lucky to have a job I’m passionate about that isn’t hard to get out of bed for.
My day is filled with countless opportunities to help so many people better themselves and improve their lives on a number of levels. It’s an extremely rewarding job that I take an enormous amount of pride in.
Other than my 3 beautiful nephews not much makes me happier right now than knowing I play a part in helping people achieve something that’s important to them!
As enjoyable as it is however, it requires a huge amount of work and sacrifice most of which often goes unnoticed behind the scenes. Oh yeah and a lot of patience too.
You see my job as a PT is essentially to take my clients out of their comfort zone.
In other words I make people feel uncomfortable for a living.
That’s hard to do! Especially being the nice guy I am 🙂
Every single time I take a training session the relationship between client and myself is put under strain. They associate pain and hard work with me. However the flip side is the amazing results that are achieved from putting in the hard work.
This far outweighs any uncomfortable association my clients have with me. (At least I hope it does!!)
Results = Gym
Gym = Hard work
Hard work = Ben
Ben = Results
I guess one could say it’s a love hate relationship and for all of you that are wondering… Yes I’m aware I get on your nerves and piss you off! I demand a lot. I set standards and expect them to be kept. I’ll do whatever it takes to get you where you want to be.
I yell, push, poke, swear (a lot) and argue until I get my point across.
I put it down to caring so much about getting results it brings out the emotion in me… At least thats how I justify it haha
As in all relationships though as much as I get on my clients nerves they can get on mine too. So as the heading suggests I have a few confessions to make about things that grind my gears
Being late for sessions – I’m huge on punctuality so unless you want me to secretly make the session harder for you just to make a point, don’t be late
Not knowing the difference between ‘I can’t do it’ and ‘I don’t want to do it’ – Just bloody do it already
Giving you a set of 10 reps to do and you stop at 8 using the excuse you had to adjust your pants, top or hair – Seriously?
Whinning and moaning – Please stop! You guys are called energy zappers. I get grumpy when I’m tired and have no energy. Trust me you’ll know about it ?
Clients not eating well and wondering why they aren’t getting anywhere. Don’t even start
Not listening to instructions that have been repeated 50 times (Not even exaggerating either) Concentrate on what I’m bloody saying dude!
Clients not turning up to sessions without giving any notice = The ULTIMATE pet hate
All of this being said I have an enormous amount of respect for my clients. Day in day out, week after week I put them through their paces.
These guys rock up and know they are going to get uncomfortable and yet they still turn up (well most of them) towel and bottle in hand and big smiles on their faces. Awesome!!
So awesome that I actually draw motivation and inspiration from them. It gives me a huge buzz seeing how dedicated and motivated they are to achieving their own personal goals and their willingness to learn makes my job so much easier.
We yell, we cry, we laugh, we hurt, we share, we joke, we sweat, we talk, we vent, we hug!
And to be honest I wouldn’t want it any other way!
Love Ben
If you have any questions feel free to contact the IFP team and learn why we are the best group training Gym in Cranbourne.