Ol’ mate Zuckerberg hey. Good job mate!
An extremely intelligent young man has revolutionised the way we live our lives today (for better or worse).
Check out some of these stats that will blow your mind!!
You can’t avoid the enormity of this phenomenon.
It means that 1 out of every 7 people on the planet has Facebook.
It keeps us connected, gives us the ability to express ourselves, increases business productivity, creates entertainment and educates us.
Who isn’t all for that? I certainly am☝?
Instagram has also captured people’s attention over the last few years and now many believe it’s rivalling Facebook for the most popular social media platform going around. Even though it’s a different model, Instagram still gives users the ability to connect and share with others and it too is a massive marketing tool for business.
There’s no denying that these platforms and technology as a whole are creating easier, faster, more convenient ways of living and interacting – and obviously it’s here to stay.
However, (and this may sound a little odd) one of the many things I’m grateful for is that I grew up in an age without social media. I don’t even think I had a mobile phone until I was 21 or 22! Having access to anything and everything with the click of a button was non existent back then and as a result I learnt some important life skills.
You see… Making the transition from adolescence to early adulthood can be extremely challenging and confronting. As well as more responsibilities and pressures we’re not used to its the first real stage of our lives where we discover passions, instil beliefs and create an identity for ourselves.
We are impressionable, vulnerable and want to fit in. We seek validation, acceptance and want to be loved.
Today with ever increasing pressures to be validated by society we now have the ability to turn to Facebook and Instagram to showcase what we have to offer the world. It’s our chance to give the impression we are successful and therefore accepted.
This is where I believe social media is being used for the wrong reasons and having a negative impact especially on our younger generation.
For me it’s creating a value based culture that is totally warped.
I think it’s great to share life experiences, milestones and achievements and social media facilitates this. Although I often feel when it comes to this people have a hidden agenda and it all reverts back to one addictive trait.
Feeding the ego.
Posting selfies – Posting attention seeking status updates – Making sure I’m seen at all the ‘supposedly fashionable’ restaurants by tagging or taking photos of what I’m about to eat – Making sure everyone sees my expensive new clothes – How cool my job is – How rich I am – How much weight I’ve lost – How good I look in my bikini etc etc… The list goes on.
We’ve become self obsessed, narcissistic, aesthetic people that have to edit ourselves to ‘fit in.’ We put more value on how many followers, friends and likes we have than doing things for others and making meaningful connections to others.
Further to that being rewarded in a public forum for promoting a filtered version of you is an extremely toxic space to get caught up in and one that I see daily as part of my job.
Because being in everyone else’s business with the click of a button is so easy constant comparisons are always going to be made between individuals on extremely materialistic levels. It does nothing but create self consciousness, anxiety, segregation and ultimately depression in some.
I once read a quote that said…
”Nothing brings you greater peace than minding your own business”
How true this is and it’s something I like to live by today.
A huge focus of mine as a PT is to coach and instil beliefs in anyone I come in contact with that there is a difference between pleasure and happiness.
Outside sources of validation although they seem motivating at the time are only fleeting forms of pleasure. Real happiness and fulfilment come from within.
Sounds corny yes! But there are way too many people these days on planet vanity. Come back down will ya ??
Facebook and Instagram are great tools and by all means post, share and tag the shit out of whatever you’re doing – have fun doing it too!
Just be careful of falling into the trap of constantly chasing acceptance from others or base your success through it as you’ll find you’ll be in a forever state of unfulfillment.
I sound like a dad – But I hope I got my point across.
See you in the gym 🙂