There’s no evidence which means it didn’t happen right?
Yep, the time has come.
The big Four Zero.
Next week I’ll be that age that kids can’t fathom. The age they look at and automatically think of old, grey hair, pensioner cards, wrinkles, a walking stick and false teeth.
Did you grow up with the dinosaurs Uncle Benny?
I’m probably being a little dramatic to be fair but I can assure you I’ve well and truly ticked the grey hair and wrinkles box.
The bod is certainly a little slower and creakier than it was but other than that I’m all good.
Even though I’ve noticed and observed the general wear and tear of ageing, I’m certainly not complaining.
I’m strong. I’m fit. I’m healthy. I look after myself and I make sure I treat my body with respect.
Staying active and exercising was instilled into me from a young age and on reflection I’m so thankful that it was.
It taught me so many things like discipline, commitment, teamwork, camaraderie, sacrifice and getting the best out of myself but only now am I realising the true benefit.
With my sporting days past me and my relentless drive for perfection gone, a shift has now taken place.
I mentioned having a quality of life a couple of weeks ago. This is my sole focus now. This is what drives me and this is what gives me direction and purpose.
Along with my footy career also went my ego. In a competitive sport you can’t help but get caught up in comparing yourself to others and having an ‘us versus them’ mentality.
To be the best was certainly a driving force back then but I’m glad it’s now in the past.
I’m much happier that I’ve found a better balance within myself and my training.
I still have all the tools of pushing myself and my body in a training session when I want to, but I can also now balance that out with less intense exercise if need be.
I’ve realised that I don’t always have to go a million miles an hour every single time I train. It’s unsustainable and I’ve found it can be demotivating.
I train 5 days per week, I mix up the intensity and variety and I enjoy it.
Because I enjoy it, it means I do it more consistently which means I reap the rewards from it.
It’s actually quite simple.
It’s interesting how my perspective has changed now I’m older and I have the ability to reflect and grow from my experience and what I’ve learnt.
I reflect on the person I was and who I am now. My views and perspective. My interests. My likes and dislikes. A lot of it has changed in a big way but definitely all for the better.
The more I think about it the more I’m embracing this whole ageing process. It’s actually quite fun.
So here’s to turning 40.
I’m looking forward to another decade of being fit, happy and healthy!
‘’If you have a body, we can help you’’
Infinite Fitness Peninsula