Ok listen up gang…
When you’re sitting on the couch with your blanket all comfy and warm, it’s all good and well to say to yourself, ‘’Right that’s it, it’s time to pull my finger out and get fit!’’
In fact that’s where most peoples fitness journeys start – when they’re in a safe and comfortable environment. Because it’s so easy to do. Anyone can do it.
However saying it is one thing – following through with it is another.
It could be anything that finally ticks you over the edge. A random thought. Something someone said to you that didn’t sit well. A not so positive diagnosis from the doctor. Or an interpretation that you have to look a certain way can spark you into action.
Whatever it is, by now, unconscious daily habits have slowly but surely crept in to your routine.
In most cases you don’t even use your brain to perform them, your body is so well trained, it just knows what to do. Almost as if you’ve lost your free will and turned into a zombie.
Deep down you know these habits aren’t serving you well yet you still keep playing them out day in, day out.
Odds are you live a hectic life too and aren’t left with too much time for yourself. For your body and your mind. This has contributed to the inability to change, regardless of whether you’re conscious of it or not.
Work, kids, marriage, friends, family, school, cooking, cleaning, shopping, organising and planning all take time. And a lot of it.
Saying it’s time to get fit is a start, but it’s not enough. Understanding what it actually means and how big of a change it’s going to be for you is the real determining factor.
As I’ve mentioned previously, only 2 out of 10 people can stick to a consistent exercise regime.
That’s means the other 8, although they may have good intentions, simply can’t hack the sacrifice and change that needs to take place for them to get what they want.
This is exactly what sets apart those that achieve great things and those who fail miserably.
Recognising this, drawing on your motivation and reminding yourself of why you are doing it will ensure you’ll ‘make’ time for it. It will be too important to you to leave out of your daily schedule. This is the key here and this is what you should be concentrating on.
You need to be fully aware though that this is going to take a sacrifice on your behalf if you want to succeed.
It needs to be a conscious decision and an understanding that your ‘already tight’ time schedule is going to be squeezed just that little bit tighter because of the commitment you’re making.
Can you handle that? Have you planned for it? Are you ready for change? Are you ready to get uncomfortable?
Ask yourself these simple questions first.
Because only those that have enough drive and the strongest types of internal motivation will be able to handle this.
For others, the excuse of ‘life is getting in the way at the moment’ will be the most common response when questioned as to why they aren’t achieving what they intended to.
So when you start planning your day, ask yourself ‘’where do I fit?’’
We all have the same amount of hours in the day to play with. It’s fair to say some choose what they do with them a little more wisely than others.
‘’If you have a body, we can help you’’
Infinite Fitness Peninsula