After god knows how long Infinite Fitness Peninsula will finally be opening up its doors again!

We know a lot of you have been itching to have your regular gym routines back and we are so happy to now give you the chance to train again in our amazing space and re-engage with our friendly community and passionate staff.

For those that know, the online training platform has been a huge success and a well utilised tool. It’s been great to see so many members jump on board and together with our 1:1 & 1:2 outdoor personal training, we’d like to congratulate and thank all of you for maintaining a connection with us and keeping your exercise continuous throughout this time.

We also appreciate the fact it’s been a very tough and an uncertain time for so many so we wish to warmly extend our invitation to ALL of our members that were with us prior to COVID-19 and anyone new for that matter that would like to engage with us again.

As you can imagine the recent events of COVID-19 has forced a lot of changes to the way we all live and operate. This will now include what it looks like when coming back to IFP so we want to pass on some important information to take note of, answer some questions you may have and relieve any fears you may have about returning.

Please know that we are working incredibly hard behind the scenes.  Our members’ safety, ability to thrive in our environment and personal experience at IFP is our number one priority. 

Please also be aware that under the current climate for us to keep delivering these amazing services and a service that’s sustainable, we have been forced to make some changes. 

Having said all of that we can’t wait to see you all again so let’s get this party started!!

Here’s how IFP will look in the short term – please take note…

When will IFP be reopening?

IFP will officially reopen its doors (as per government announcement) on November 9th 2020

When can I book in to sessions?

You will able to book in to sessions as per normal 2 weeks before on the 26th October 2020

What will the opening and closing hours be?

Due to the current climate we will now be limiting our hours and availability to train. IFP’s facilities will be open to any members booked into a scheduled class or time slot allocated. This will give us the ability to contact trace and keep everyone accounted for. As it stands, our opening/closing hours will be as follows…

Monday – Thursday (5.25am-10.30am & 4.30pm-8pm)

Friday (5.25am-10.30am & 4.30pm-7pm)

Saturday (7am-9.30am)

Also please note these times are subject to change as further developments come to hand however we will notify everyone when and where it is applicable. 

Will I still be able to communicate with IFP staff outside of opening hours?

Definitely. Our team will be here for you to help with anything you need.

What memberships will be available?

Both our Classic and Infinite memberships will be available as per usual with no changes. However our Regular membership will now be called the Community membership and requirements have slightly changed. All Community members will have access to IFP only within the allotted opening hours stated above falling into line with all group classes. To be able to access IFP, all Community members will need to book into designated time slots on the IFP app under “Community membership”. This way temp checks and contact tracing is assured.

Scheduled Boxing and Pilates sessions will remain the same and all IFP members have access to these sessions via the app.

What about my payments?

Depending what membership you were on, your pay cycle will automatically resume (paying for the week prior) unless you tell us otherwise. We do have records and notes of individual accounts with credits prior to shutting down and these notes will take affect according to each member.

What if I’m not ready to come back just yet?

Then simply let us know via email (team@ifp.com.au) and we can adjust accordingly. If we don’t hear back from you, your membership will automatically be reactivated.

Will session times and length be different?

Session times will slightly change so please check your app and schedule. Session length will go back to our original model of 45 minutes. This is based on health recommendations that encourages not being exposed for long periods of time in the one space.

What about class sizes?

For now, we are at the mercy of the government. As it stands (as of November 9th 2020) we are able to facilitate 1 person per 8 square metres. Also specific training zones will be set up to ensure physical distancing and safety. Our class sizes will therefore be dictated by that until further notice but we are in the fortunate position of having a large enough space to not affect classes in the short term. Further changes to our set up in the near future will not only be based on member safety but also staff safety as well. Once again we ask all of our members to be patient with us as we try to navigate our way through this time.

What if I want to train at lunchtime/early afternoon?

Unless you have a private session booked with a trainer, are attending a scheduled class or allocated time slot, the gym will be closed for training at certain times throughout the day. Please refer to our opening/closing times mentioned above. We understand this may not suit everyone however we still encourage you to adjust accordingly to still get your sessions in.

Will the IFP ONLINE platform still be available after things return to normal?

Yes absolutely! It’s been a huge success so we will continue to provide sessions via our app for those that are interested.

Will I be safe coming back to IFP?

As we mentioned earlier, our members’ safety and experience at IFP is our number one priority. We have invested in new systems and tools and will be increasing our cleaning frequency to help keep everyone safe and give peace of mind. Upon arrival you will now be asked to enter the main entrance only (right hand side as you’re looking at the gym from the street) and exit only via the emergency exit door (left hand side near the toilets).

Temperature checks will be performed on each member prior to starting their session. Anyone that has an elevated temperature will be sent home.

Please ensure you have a face covering (mask) with you at all times. We are still waiting for the Victorian government to confirm whether these will be mandatory whilst training.

If you are sick then we kindly ask you to stay at home.

There will be hand sanitising stations located around the gym and everyone will be asked to sanitise and wash their hands before and after each session.

Sanitising of all equipment used during the session will be required as well.

Given the huge amount of space we have at IFP we also have the ability to enforce social distancing. This will therefore be applied where relevant to help keep everyone safe.

Further to this we kindly ask that once your session is completed, if you could stretch, cool down and chat amongst yourselves outside of IFP so it enables members booked in for sessions after you to be able to enter. With limitations on people we can have inside we want to make sure that everyone has a chance to train and is safe. Please note this will only be a short term scenario as once restrictions ease we will all have more freedom.

What do I need to do before my session starts and what do I bring?

For the time being things will look a little different. As stated we will require all members entering IFP to be temperature checked to ensure the safety of themselves, other members and staff. Therefore before your booked session starts we kindly ask everyone to wait outside or in your cars until one of our staff members greets you. From that point we will take your temperature and you will be allowed to enter barring a high reading. Once again we are anticipating this being a temporary scenario so we please ask for patience.  Also ensure you bring your own water bottle and towel to each session.

Will child minding be available?

Yes. The girls will be available and ready to go from 9th November 2020. Because we have the luxury of an indoor/outdoor space it gives us the ability to adjust the structure and ‘zoning’ of our sessions to stay within capacity limits. The child minding section will be zoned off and away from the gym floor to ensure distancing. There will be heavy cleaning and sanitising arrangements daily to make sure the environment is safe for parents and children alike.  The girls will be available Monday-Friday between 9.30am and 10.15am. We recognise all of the mums and dads out there are a huge part of the IFP family and we can’t wait to see you and the kids again. 

Can I still have a shower after my session?

For now no. Simply because of the number limitations put on us and being extra cautious from a safety point of view. However we encourage you to prepare for work/school beforehand to allow you to still train. As soon as restrictions of numbers ease our shower facilities will be readily available to use and we anticipate that isn’t too far down the track.

What’s happening to the Group X classes?

Group X classes will no longer be running. However, Boxing and Pilates will still be a part of the IFP schedule and will be available to ALL in house members (please check your app for session times).

What’s happening to all Corporate, Football and Netball group training sessions?

We are still happy to facilitate all of these regular group training sessions however times will vary based on capacity limits. IFP will be in contact with all relevant groups to organise scheduling. In the meantime, for access to regular gym use, you will still need to book into allocated time slots when attending IFP via the app under “Community membership”.

Can I still do 1:1 personal training?

Of course. For those that were or are interested in private sessions, all of these services will still be available. Please speak with your trainer to organise or send us a message and we’d be happy to help! 

I was right in the middle of a trial with IFP. Do I now lose that or can I still pick up from where I left off?

You most definitely can pick up where you left off. Essentially all we’ve done is put everything on hold and can’t wait to have you back training with us. The app will allow you to book your sessions as of October 26th 2020. Any questions feel free to contact us.

If you still have any further questions or you’re unsure about anything we have covered please do not hesitate to contact us via email (team@ifp.com.au) and we’d be more than happy to help. We look forward to seeing you all very soon!!

The IFP team.