We live in an ever increasing frenetic world. Filled with daily obstacles to navigate and decisions to be made it seems like we are constantly on edge about how to create the best path through life.
And whether it’s because of our inherent protection mechanisms or fight or flight responses, it seems as though our brains default settings are automatically flicked to the negative side of a situation whenever we are challenged.
Our job is to then flick that switch back over and realise the positive of it all. Sometimes it’s easier said than done though.
So, here’s 10 tips to help make sure you’re surrounding yourself with positivity when things start getting a little overwhelming.
1- Mind your own business. Nothing will give you greater peace than minding your own business. In a world where we constantly crave and want, we often validate these feelings by comparing ourselves to others. All it does is lead to frustration, disappointment and a feeling of failure. Curiosity killed the cat remember? Don’t be so nosy and always have the desire to know what’s going on.
2- On the flip side be grateful for what you have. Gratitude is a fantastic way of remaining humble and staying grounded. We often take for granted what we already have so make the time to realise the benefits, luxuries and abilities you already have at your disposal.
3- Laugh. There are few better feelings in the world than having a good laugh. You know those times when you’re with mates – tears streaming down and your mouth and stomach are hurting so much from laughing? I’m one of those guys when I laugh so hard no noise comes out so I end up sitting there clapping my hands like a bloody seal. Tell you what though it’s a great way to release those feel good endorphins so make sure you’re not being a stiff. Crack a few jokes mate!
4- Treat yourself. Let your hair down every once in a while. Let go of the immaculately timed, strict Navy Corp type schedule you’re playing out everyday. Enjoy a night out with your girlfriends or the boys or break your routine up by having a weekend away. Go out for dinner to a restaurant you’ve never been to or head out and experience things you’ve always wanted to but never made time for. Go get pampered. Get reckless. Get nude if you like. Just be!
5- Treating yourself will be a lot more enjoyable and a much more positive experience if your focus and goals are still in check. Make sure your focus is on what makes YOU happy and brings positivity to YOU and your life. The most important person on the planet is YOU and if you have your own backyard sorted you’ll be more content and naturally be a better person to be around. Positive vibes everywhere.
6- Be in tune with yourself. Meditate. Learn how to filter the thousands of daily thoughts that flood into your brain. You have the power to turn these thoughts into whatever you want. Be conscious of what your thoughts are doing to you and how they are making you feel. Your mind is the most powerful tool you have to create positivity but only if it’s used correctly.
7- Balance work and play. Even I’m guilty of not having this balance right. Find a hobby or get interested and excited about something totally unrelated to work. Find something that takes you away from the stresses of everyday life. An outlet. A change of scenery. A release. A sense of comfort, pleasure and contentment. Something else that occupies the mind and gives you a different perspective and focus.
8- Do something for someone else. On face value it may sound contradictory to minding your own business but it’s not. There’s an incredible sense of satisfaction when you HELP someone else. Whether it’s solving a particular problem for them or simply just a good will gesture, when you take the time to help others its amazing how your own worries disappear.
9- Get rid of the dead wood. Stay away from energy zappers and negative people that bring you down. Tell ‘em to piss off! This includes friends and family too. Toxic relationships are no good for anyone and only breed negativity. If you’re smart enough to sense there’s people in your life not contributing to it in a positive way then cut them loose. Ain’t no one got time for that shit.
10- Exercise. I can’t possibly leave this one out so I saved the best for last. Exercise is the solution to everything! If you want the ultimate way to flick that switch to positive make sure you’re exercising. Better mood, increased self esteem, lower risk of disease, enhances quality of life, makes you stronger, fitter and happier. Seriously. No one can argue with me there.
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