I’ve become an extremely observant person of late. Very curious and inquisitive. Maybe it’s my age? Maturity? Not sure…
Anyway whenever I get time to myself I like to read and learn about things. I ponder and try to figure out what life is all about. More often than not the result leaves me with a lot more questions than answers but I still enjoy it.
The Oxford dictionary claims that I’m a ‘self taught person’ Cooooool ? (And yes I looked it up)
Whilst deep in thought the other day it occurred to me that us humans are always in a hurry for some reason. Or is it just me and the environment I’m in?
I hear of other places around the world that have laid back lifestyles and the people that live there are without a care – I wanna know where these places are!
Good excuse to travel more I guess ?
As I see it here in a western society we want things now! We’re always rushing, having to meet deadlines, trying to get somewhere quickly, constantly impatient and looking for the quickest and easiest route to get stuff done.
Perhaps technology has created this pressure to rush and be ‘on top of the game.’ It’s like everyone is trying to outdo each other and no one wants to be left behind. If you’re not busy then you’re wasting time apparently – I’m guilty of this ☝?
Isn’t technology supposed to make our lives easier, more convenient and stress free? Feels like it’s doing the opposite sometimes.
More information to digest, more people to respond to, more jobs to be done, more money to be made. We keep pushing the boundaries and our limitations by trying to cram in 100 different things into a short space of time that has somehow enslaved us.
It’s stressful.
People that want dramatic results from a fat loss, strength and fitness point of view aren’t immune to the pressures of wanting it all to happen quickly and without a lot of effort either.
Late night infomercials probably don’t help the cause. The Ab blaster 2000, the thigh master and the flex belt were beauties weren’t they?
”You can lose 15kgs with only 3 minutes of exercise per day”
Turn it up ?
The same can be said for 12 week challenges that most, if not all commercial gyms push heavily from a marketing standpoint. The strategy is targeted at getting you where you want to be within a short space of time – creating a sense of angst in the process.
Most people don’t even end up finishing the 12 weeks as they come to realise that hard work and dedication are the key elements to reaching their goals and it can’t be done as quickly as they want.
Motivation waivers if they aren’t seeing what they assumed would happen and slowly but surely they slip back in to old habits of being lazy and wishing they had this and that rather than getting off their butts and working for it.
For the ones that do complete the 12 weeks, they’re left with a sense of achievement – They stuck it out to the finish. They may have some good results. They may not. So what?
In the end they are left with a decision to make. What now? Is this it? I don’t really feel satisfied. Do I keep going with my training or maybe have a little break and wait for the next 12 week challenge to come around? Aargh it’s too hard!
Most of the time they bathe in their achievements for a while only to go off the rails again within a few weeks and be back to where they were when they started.
Sound familiar?
Reminds me – I haven’t played with a Yoyo for ages! Man they were cool ☺️
So for anyone that’s still reading to this point and can admit you’re guilty of wanting results quickly, I have this for you to take on board…
Let go of the attachment you have to the results you’re looking for. If you think once you’ve reached a particular goal you have in mind you’ll be happy then I have some bad news for you.
Yes you’ll feel like you’ve achieved something (and that’s great by the way) however it won’t be long before you realise it’s not enough and it will leave you unsatisfied.
Don’t get me wrong it’s great to have goals. Set them, strive for them and smash them! And celebrate along the way!
My point is enjoy the process of doing it and keep your focus on that – not the end result.
Enjoy working out and think of all the good you’re doing for your body and mind.
Exercise is the best medicine for everything! It boosts energy, improves your mood, improves your self esteem, combats disease, improves brain function and power and reduces stress. Just to name a few…
If you are consistent with your training, eating and sleeping habits then the results you are after will come – it’s a bi product of the time and effort you’re putting in.
So get back to enjoying the journey! Look at it as a lifestyle rather than a quick fix because it’s not that at all.
If you’re in the head space of eat, sleep, work, gym and it’s just a part of your daily routine you’ll be pleasantly surprised how your body will start working for you. Be patient and persistent and exercise will become more enjoyable than burdensome.
Don’t get too attached to numbers and define yourself by them.
”Whatever you resist persists”
See you in the gym 🙂
If you have any questions feel free to contact the IFP team and learn why we are the best group training Gym in Cranbourne.