It’s common knowledge – consistent exercise has a huge impact on us both physically and mentally.
It should also be common knowledge that the foods you put into your mouth have a huge impact physically and mentally too.
However, even though most people are aware bad food choices have negative implications on the body physically, the impact they have on you mentally is often overlooked.
How we eat has enormous repercussions on our brains and therefore moods.
Studies show refined carbohydrates and packaged foods which are a staple in western diets, are more likely to cause moderate to severe depression than diets filled with whole grains, vegetables and fish.
The antioxidants from veggies, fruit, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds help the brain combat and protect it from oxidative stress which is like a rusting of the brain cells.
Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, tuna, chia seeds and flaxseeds can help stimulate healthier brain cells aiding in learning, memory and overall mental health, in addition reducing low level inflammation linked to depression and dementia.
On the flip side, too many processed foods, sweet drinks, salty snacks and saturated fats can inhibit the brains ability to function, depriving it from nutrient rich foods in the process and fast tracking brain cell inefficiency.
As we also know, poor nutrition is heavily linked to heart health, diabetes, cancer, obesity, poor sleep patterns and poor gut health. All significant contributors to our mental state.
Simply put – healthy foods packed with vitamins and minerals akin to a ‘Mediterranean diet’ contribute to a healthy mind. So what you put into your mouth will inevitably affect your brain later.
Your brain is pretty much the control centre of your body. It’s in charge of how you move, feel and think.
Literally, to be able to function, it’s imperative you keep your brain in mint condition so next time you put something into your mouth, think about how it can impact your mood and literally change the way you feel.
Healthy mind, healthy body, healthy life.
‘’If you have a body, we can help you’’
Infinite Fitness Peninsula