Righto mate
As we’re all well aware, gyms and personal training studios have been shut since March.
And the forecast as to when or how we’ll be able to open again is anyone’s guess right now.
This is a problem. A big one. And for many reasons.
The important reasons are obvious. The mental health and physical well being of the community has suffered as a result of gyms being closed.
Not only this, but the benefits of social interaction and sense of connectedness that these places provide for people have been taken away too.
A lot of people have had to fend for themselves and inevitably, have fallen off the wagon with their health and fitness.
It’s driven some to find alternative ways to keep their exercise regime in tact.
This is another problem. I’ll tell you why in a sec.
Since having to shut down, we at IFP have been providing an online platform for our amazing members and it’s been a huge success.
The team works tirelessly behind the scenes and puts in a lot of effort to keep our members focused and engaged.
Under challenging circumstances, our lofty standards have been maintained as the best Personal Trainers in the area.
The countless hours of programming, instruction, education, phones calls, text messages, emails, zoom chats and overall support from our team is unparalleled.
And it’s something that I want to make a point out of.
These days, there’s an infinite amount of accessible, cheap or even free information out there on social media and platforms like YouTube offering advice on workouts, nutrition and anything health and fitness related.
From a consumer point of view this can be seen as a good thing. Advances in technology and digitisation gives everyone more choice.
It’s also helping businesses stay afloat. As I mentioned before, being able to provide an online platform has helped IFP maintain connection with our members.
However the fallout is its turning nearly every business including gyms and personal training into a commodity industry.
The problem with commodity industries is its high focus on price and price alone.
What this does is undermine the importance of the service aspect – the most crucial part to you getting what you really want when seeking a personal trainer.
People often forget there’s a difference between goods that you purchase and services that you purchase.
When you purchase a good from a business it’s tangible. You can see it. You can touch it. You can feel it. It’s material.
Example – a nice new jacket, a new tv, a take away meal, a brand spanking pair of new kicks or even a cheap download of an online exercise program.
When you purchase a service it’s intangible. You can’t take it home and open it or put it in the cupboard and pull it out after 5 years to reflect on and enjoy.
You are literally paying for the quality of time that someone will provide for you for the specific benefits you have engaged them for.
For some reason though, we often view what we get from a business as valuable only if we can literally take it with us.
It’s funny you know – you don’t often hear people publicly ask ‘where can I get a free jacket, a free tv, a free meal or a free pair of shoes?’
On the other hand, people will happily put the question out there – ‘where can I get free health and fitness advice, a free gym membership or some free personal training?’
Why is that?
Like many businesses, gyms and personal trainers are now finding themselves competing more and more against cheaper or even free alternatives. Especially lately with businesses going online.
This leads to consumers pursuing cheaper options even if it’s to the detriment of their own well being.
With so many options out there these days and so many so called ‘fitness professionals’ floating about offering free or cheap info, I’d like to take this opportunity to make a point.
It’s important to remember to look further than the dollar sign put in front of you before you start putting your trust in a service. Or a good for that matter.
There’s numerous factors that people very easily forget or don’t even bother to look into when they make decisions on their personal investments. Especially when it comes to the most important asset they own – their health!
People forget about the physical support, emotional support, community, love, recognition, satisfaction, friendship, camaraderie, achievement and care factor that a good service business delivers for its members.
These are consumer benefits that cheap and free alternatives fail to provide.
All factors that people crave yet factors that often get pushed to the side when it comes down to dollars and cents.
And yes, I’m talking about my own business and comparing it to what’s out there.
You ain’t gonna get what we can provide on YouTube that’s for sure.
Nor will you get it from your everyday run of the mill Personal Trainer.
I guess we’re all spoilt for choice now with everything we need and want seemingly at the click of our fingers.
Don’t get me wrong, I understand money is precious and we all need to spend our hard earned wisely, however when it comes to getting professional help for something that’s important to you, at least have the nous to take more than dollars and cents into account.
Cheap is cheap for a reason.
Just my observation anyway…
‘’If you have a body, we can help you’’
Infinite Fitness Peninsula