I’m not always up and about and chirpy in the mornings. I guess thats to be expected considering I’m up at 4am most days of the week.
Like the rest of you I have those days when the alarm goes off to get up and hit the gym but the thought of staying in bed seems like a much better option.
Even though I prefer training in the mornings as opposed to night there are definitely still times when I don’t have a lot of enthusiasm to move the bod.
It’s funny when you think about it. It literally takes 2 seconds to roll over and get out of bed but some days that 2 second effort can seem near impossible. Bizarre.
So when I wake and I’m faced with that cbf feeling, I have a decision to make.
I then proceed to breakdown the pros and cons. What am I getting out of bed for? What’s the purpose? What’s driving me to set the alarm? If I don’t commit to myself on this occasion how will I feel? On the flip side if I do commit, how will I feel?
Initially it feels like there’s a bit of a ping- pong battle of thoughts going through my head. However I strongly believe if you want something bad enough you’ll do whatever it takes to get it. And if it’s important enough to you, then that initial decision to roll outta bed can be a lot easier.
When it comes to gym…
From a pleasurable point of view, the immediate short term benefit of staying in bed when faced with one of these decisions has some merit. Especially if you’re like me and absolutely adore your bed. However does it outweigh the long term benefits of making your health a priority, sucking it up and getting shit done? Well the answer is simply no.
In terms of my training, I schedule it like I schedule an important meeting with the boss…. that boss is me!
Bosses don’t cancel by the way. So be a boss and show some integrity to yourself. If you’ve made a booking then acknowledge it. Just show up. Tired, unmotivated, sad, runny nose, sore throat, stressed, whatever. Just show up. That’s half the battle.
Once I’ve started the ball rolling with that 2 second effort to get outta bed and rock up to the gym there’s still work to do. I mean I’m at the gym but I’m not actually there. Physically I am, but mentally I’m not always.
So once again I just start. I follow the same process. I make another split second decision. I pick up some dumbbells and I just start moving. Straight away the blood starts rushing and I begin to feel alive. My body starts to wake up and gets warm. Within minutes I already know I’ve made the right choice for me and it’s actually a really nice feeling.
In a short space of time and after a couple of decisions the mind turns from being lazy to being motivated and energised. The rest is easy….
This doesn’t mean you always have to be at your best giving 100% every time you step into the gym, but being consistent and always doing something will hold you in good stead I promise. And there’s ALWAYS something you can do.
So when you think about it, the hardest part was actually starting. That 2 second effort to roll outta bed with the mind firmly on just getting to the gym. Do this and the rest will take care of itself.
To be honest some of my most productive sessions are the ones I couldn’t be bothered starting. It’s because I put my focus into how I’m gonna feel after the workout. That alone drives me. I know I’ll feel so much better about myself for doing something as opposed to taking the easy way out and skipping it all together.
My mind is so much clearer too once I’ve exercised. I have the ability to focus on the day ahead and there’s always a bit of a pep in my step. Physical exercise does create energy after all.
Making exercise a priority in your life is definitely a choice – if it’s not a priority then it will inevitably get pushed down the pecking order when you make decisions on how you spend your time.
(Like staying in bed for longer)
This may be a short term win from a comfort point of view but as the saying goes, nothing great is ever achieved being comfortable.
It’s vital for anyone to attain beneficial results there has to be a regular commitment to exercise on their behalf.
A regular commitment to get up and move ESPECIALLY when you cbf. These are the most important times to do it! And I’m not talking commitment for a few weeks or months – I’m talking years!
I have mentioned this before but I’m more than happy to say it again… I have the attitude that I will be exercising forever until my mind and body are no longer able to function. It will always be a big part of my life and the most important investment I will ever make – the benefits are far too good to ignore.
This is my driver. You need to find yours. And you need to find one that’s important to you. If on some days you really just cbf say to yourself… ‘it takes 2 seconds to start this’.
So get that arse out of bed while you have the choice as it could soon become two arses and you might be stuck there forever. I mean I love my bed, but i don’t really need two bums now do I…
Invest in yourself and make exercise a priority – you won’t be disappointed.
‘’If you have a body, we can help you’’
Infinite Fitness Peninsula